If you have a project that requires access to hard-to-reach areas, you may find it necessary to hire an access platform or equipment. Constructions and home-renovation projects, such as fixing of roofs, are some projects that would require such equipment from a hire access equipment company. Cherry pickers are among the many pieces of access equipment you will find in the markets. They come in different types designed for various applications, so before you hire one, you have to consider a few factors to narrow down your options and get the perfect one for the job. Below are a few things to look at.
Consider the Reach
How high and far do you intend to go? This may sound obvious but most people only consider the height and neglect the sideways outreach, and even then, they still make mistakes when estimating the measurements. The reach of a cherry picker is measured as the height from the ground to the highest point it can reach when the average person is standing in the cage or basket. Cherry pickers also have a sideways outreach. The task to be accomplished will guide you in identifying the right outreach required. For instance, while holding a light paintbrush gives you more outreach, carrying heavier equipment means a reduced outreach. When estimating the reach sideways as well as the height, remember to go for one that is slightly higher than what you think you will need. This will eliminate the need for an operator to improvise (like tiptoeing) while in the cage, which is often the cause of accidents.
Look at The Ground Conditions
If you are working outdoors, the ground conditions at the work site can also give you an idea of the ideal cherry picker to hire. You want to check the ground for uneven slopes, bumps, and the terrain. There are cherry pickers suited for specific types of terrain, but you can consider the all-terrain models for convenience. For uneven slopes, check the machine's hire specifications for the gradient level it is capable of.
If you are working on waterlogged ground, the machine you hire should be stable enough to support its weight as well as the weight of the load. For such ground conditions, cherry pickers fitted with outriggers are usually the perfect choice. The outriggers help spread the load, enhancing stability.
Evaluate Indoor Conditions
For indoor operations, you will want to consider the floor strength, ventilation and the available space. The strength of the floor will determine the size of machine you hire because the larger it is (the machine), the heavier it will be and the stronger the floor will need to be. Ventilation will be a concern if you are using a diesel-powered cherry picker because of the fumes, which is why their electrical counterparts are preferred for indoor operations. Last, you need enough indoor space for the machine to turn easily and navigate narrow areas such as the corridors.